How to Start a Gas Powered RC Car: A Comprehensive Guide

Gas powered RC cars are a thrilling hobby for enthusiasts of all ages. But if you’re new to the world of remote control racing, the process of starting your gas powered RC car may seem a bit daunting. Don’t worry – with a little bit of know-how, you’ll be up and running in no time. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to start your gas powered RC car safely and efficiently.


  1. Fueling up: The First Step to Start a Gas Powered RC Car
  2. Prepping the Engine: Check Before Start a Gas Powered RC Car
  3. Starting the Engine: Turn Over Your Gas Powered RC Car
  4. Fine-tuning: Adjusting Your Gas Powered RC Car

1)Fueling up:

Choosing the Right Fuel

  • Choosing the right fuel for your gas powered RC car is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth and successful start-up. Different types of fuel are available depending on the make and model of your car, so it’s important to do your research beforehand.
  • At the very least, you should be familiar with two types of fuel when it comes to gas powered RC cars: nitro fuel and gasoline. Nitro fuel is a blend of methanol, nitromethane, and oil that is specifically designed for use in RC vehicles like cars and boats. It’s specially blended to provide maximum performance while also reducing wear and tear on the engine. The main benefit of using nitro fuel is its higher power output compared to gasoline which can help you achieve better speeds and longer run times.
  • Gasoline, on the other hand, is typically best used in larger engines due to its higher octane rating. Gasoline provides a more consistent level of power as RPMs increase while also producing more torque which helps reduce wear on the engine over long periods of time. Gasoline also tends to be cheaper than nitro fuel making it an appealing option for those looking for a more budget-friendly choice.
  • No matter which type of fuel you choose, one additional factor to keep in mind when selecting a fuel for your gas powered RC car is the exhaust emission levels produced by each type. Nitro fuels can produce higher levels of emissions compared to traditional gasoline-based fuels which could lead to potential problems with local laws or regulations in some areas. Additionally, some owners may prefer the smell or sound associated with certain types of fuel over others so it’s important to be aware of these factors when making a decision.


  • In short, choosing the right type of fuel for your gas powered RC car will depend upon your particular needs as well as any local laws or regulations that might apply in your area. Be sure to take into account all factors such as power output, cost efficiency, exhaust emission levels and personal preference before making any decisions regarding which type of fuel you should use in your vehicle.

Filling up the Tank

Filling up the tank of your gas powered RC car is a crucial step in ensuring a successful start-up. Before filling up, you’ll want to double check the requirements for fuel type and octane rating as there are some vehicles that require higher octane fuel than others.

It’s also important to use a clean container and only fill up your tank with fresh, uncontaminated fuel as this will help protect your engine from damage or wear over time.

The best way to fill up your tank, particularly if you’re using nitro fuel, is to use a funnel or an electric refueler pump.

This helps ensure that all of the fuel goes directly into the tank without any spills or messes which can be difficult to clean up afterwards.

Be sure to keep the container upright while filling and don’t overfill as this could cause leaking or spilling during later stages of operation.

Additionally, it’s important to take extra care when pouring volatile fuels like nitro as vapors can quickly ignite if exposed to potential sources of ignition like open flames or sparks.

When you’re finished fueling up, make sure to close the cap tightly on the tank and store any leftover fuel in an airtight container away from potential sources of ignition.

If possible, it’s always best practice to wait at least 10 minutes before lighting off your gas powered RC car after fueling up just in case there are any residual fumes that need time to dissipate first.

Following these simple steps will help ensure your vehicle runs smoothly and safely throughout its life span.

2)Prepping the Engine:

Checking the Glow Plug

Before starting a gas powered RC car, it is important to check the engine’s glow plug. This small, metal part helps ensure that the fuel and air mixture ignites properly in order to generate heat and power the vehicle.

The glow plug works by heating up the fuel mixture before ignition which helps create a more efficient combustion process and also reduces wear on the engine over time. To check the glow plug, first turn off any potential sources of ignition such as open flames or sparks.

Next, make sure that the spark plug is disconnected from the engine and then remove the glow plug from its housing.

The glow plug should be inspected for signs of damage or deterioration such as cracks along its body or corrosion around its threads.

It is also important to check for proper seating of the glow plug as improper seating can prevent it from heating up correctly when needed.

If any damage is found, it’s best to replace the glow plug with a new one before continuing use of your vehicle. Additionally, double check that all connections are secure once it has been installed properly in order to avoid potential issues during operation later on.

It’s important to periodically inspect and clean your vehicle’s glow plugs regularly in order to maintain optimal performance levels throughout its life span.

For example, after each run you should inspect them for any signs of excessive wear or buildup of carbon deposits which could indicate poor combustion efficiency over time.

If you notice these issues, consider replacing your current spark plugs with ones designed specifically for your specific RC car model in order to maximize fuel efficiency and prolong engine longevity.

Additionally, using a higher grade of nitro fuel may help reduce overall wear on your spark plugs due to its higher octane rating compared to traditional gasoline-based fuels.

Overall, checking and maintaining your vehicle’s spark plugs not only helps ensure successful start-ups but also keeps your RC car running smoothly throughout its life span while reducing unnecessary wear on critical components like the engine itself over time too!

Ensuring the Air Filter is Clean

Ensuring that the air filter on your gas powered RC car is clean is essential for optimal performance and reliability. The air filter helps to keep dirt, dust, and other airborne particles from entering the engine and potentially damaging internal components. It also helps maintain proper fuel/air ratios which are critical for a smooth running engine.

3)Starting the Engine:

Priming the Engine

Priming the engine is an important step to starting any gas powered RC car. Priming the engine involves filling it with a small amount of fuel in order to ensure proper combustion and ensure that all moving parts are lubricated. This process also helps reduce wear and tear on the internal components of your vehicle over time.

When priming your RC car’s engine, first make sure that all potential sources of ignition such as open flames or sparks are far away from the vehicle.

Next, locate the carburetor and remove its cap. Using a clean cloth, carefully swab out any old fuel residue that may be present inside and then replace the cap securely.

Finally, attach a fuel source such as a fuel line or funnel to the carburetor and fill with the appropriate grade of nitro fuel until it reaches the recommended level indicated by manufacturer specifications.

Once you have primed your RC car’s engine, it is important to wait at least 10 minutes before attempting to start it up in order to allow any residual fumes created during priming to dissipate safely into the atmosphere.

Additionally, if you plan on storing your vehicle for longer periods of time, you should also consider draining out any remaining fuel from its tank in order to avoid potential issues later on due to evaporation and oxidation over time.

By taking these few precautions when priming your RC car’s engine, you will help ensure reliable operation both now and well into the future!

Using the Starter Motor

Using the starter motor is the final step before getting your RC car running. The starter motor helps ensure that your engine gets up to speed quickly and efficiently.

It works by supplying an electric current to the spark plug which then ignites the fuel in your engine’s combustion chamber. By doing so, it helps provide a reliable source of power for starting and sustaining your vehicle throughout its life span.

When using the starter motor, it’s important to check first that all connections are secure and that no power has been lost during operation.

Additionally, you should make sure that the correct grade of fuel is being used in order to avoid potential issues due to improper combustion efficiency or lack of spark ignition later on.

Finally, it’s also important to keep in mind that some engines may require additional priming prior to starting up in order for them to reach optimal performance levels so if this is the case, make sure you follow these instructions carefully as well.

Once everything is set up correctly, you can use the starter motor to get your RC car up and running as follows: First, attach any external power sources such as a battery pack or wall socket adapter depending on your specific model.

Then turn off any potential sources of ignition such as open flames or sparks while simultaneously making sure that all connections remain secure at all times.

Next, locate and press down the starter button located on either side of your vehicle (depending on model) while keeping both hands away from moving parts at all times in order to avoid potential injury. Once this is done, watch as your engine begins to sputter into motion until it reaches full speed after about 10-20 seconds or so depending on its size and type.


Adjusting the Carburetor

Adjusting the carburetor on an RC car is a relatively simple yet important step that must be done in order to ensure optimal performance and fuel efficiency over time.

The carburetor, which is usually located near the engine, controls the amount of air and fuel that flow into the combustion chamber.

In order for the engine to run smoothly and efficiently, it is essential to adjust the carburetor settings so that there’s just enough air and fuel being supplied at any given time.

The best way to adjust your RC car’s carburetor is by using a specific tool known as a carburetor tuning tool.

This device consists of several adjustable parts such as screws, jets, needles, and springs that can be tweaked in order to obtain different results depending on your needs.

When adjusting each component, it’s important to keep in mind that too much air or fuel can cause overheating while too little can cause stalling or loss of power.

In addition to using a tuning tool, you can also use visual cues when adjusting your RC car’s carburetor such as checking for visible leaks or holes in the body of the unit itself.

Additionally, it’s also important to periodically check for any blockages within the system by removing any visible debris or dirt particles with a clean cloth.

Finally, if you find yourself struggling with any part of this process then it may be wise to consider consulting with an experienced technician who will be able to provide more detailed instructions tailored specifically for your model of vehicle.

Setting the Idle

Setting the Idle on an RC car is an important step in order to make sure that your vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently.

The idle is the speed at which the engine runs when it is not under load or acceleration, and it should be adjusted in order to optimize fuel efficiency and reduce any potential stalling or misfiring.

In order to adjust the idle, you will need a few tools including a screwdriver, a tachometer, and a vacuum gauge. After gathering these items, start by turning on your vehicle and letting it warm up for approximately 10 minutes in order to reach its normal operating temperature.

Next, using the tachometer set your desired idle speed range based on your engine type and size. Most engines will require somewhere between 1000-1500 RPMs depending on their make/model so be sure to refer to your manual for specific instructions regarding this setting.

Once you have set your desired idle range, use the screwdriver to adjust any screws around the carburetor until you achieve this desired level of RPMs while checking with your tachometer throughout this process.

Finally, check for any abnormal changes in engine performance while monitoring both the vacuum gauge and tachometer readings simultaneously.

If everything looks good then you can leave the settings as they are but if there are any discrepancies then simply tweak them until all readings appear balanced again before turning off your vehicle completely.

Overall, if done correctly adjusting the idle settings on an RC car can go a long way toward ensuring optimal performance levels over time so be sure not to overlook this important step during maintenance!

We have complied a list of 15 Best Gas powered RC cars check them out!