Choosing the Best Battery for Your RC Car: A Guide to NiMh, LiPo, LiFePO4, and NiCd Batteries

When it comes to powering your RC car, the battery you choose can make a huge difference in performance.
Different types of batteries offer different levels of power and duration, so it’s important to understand which type is best for your needs.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the various types of batteries available on the market today – NiMh, LiPo, LiFePO4, and NiCd as well as their features and specifications.

We’ll also discuss how they can help your RC car run faster and longer with tips on choosing the right battery for you.

With this information at hand, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about what type of battery will work best for your RC car needs.

Overview of NiMh, LiPo, LiFePO4, and NiCd Batteries

NiMH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) batteries are a popular choice for RC cars because they provide more power than other types of batteries. They have a higher energy density and can last up to twice as long as other types. However, they are also heavier and more expensive.

LiPo (Lithium Polymer) batteries offer the highest level of performance but require special charging equipment to ensure safety. They are lightweight and provide high power output with low voltage sag during use. However, they can be dangerous if not handled properly due to their flammable nature.

LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries offer a good balance between cost, weight, performance, and safety compared to other types of lithium-ion battery packs available on the market today. They have excellent cycle life characteristics which make them ideal for long-term use in RC cars that need frequent recharging cycles over time.

NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) batteries are an older technology that is still used in some RC car models due to their lower cost compared to newer technologies such as Lithium-ion batteries. While they may not provide the same performance or power as other types of batteries, their low cost makes them a good choice for budget-minded RC car enthusiasts.

Features and Specifications of Each Type

NiMH batteries offer higher energy density than other types of batteries, which means they can last up to twice as long as other types of batteries. They also tend to be heavier and more expensive than other types of batteries, so it’s important to consider the trade-offs when choosing this type of battery for your RC car.

LiPo batteries offer the highest level of performance due in part to their low voltage sag during use. They are lightweight and provide high power output, but require special charging equipment to ensure safety. It’s important to handle these batteries with extreme care due to their flammable nature.

LiFePO4 batteries offer a good balance between cost, weight, performance, and safety compared to other types of lithium-ion battery packs available on the market today. They have excellent cycle life characteristics, making them an ideal choice for long-term use in RC cars that require frequent recharging cycles over time.

NiCd batteries are an older technology that is still used in some RC car models due to its lower cost compared to newer technologies such as lithium-ion batteries. While they may not provide the same performance or power as other types of batteries, their low cost makes them a good choice for budget-minded RC car enthusiasts.

Factors To consider before Buying RC Car batteries

1. Maximum current

When selecting a battery for a radio-controlled car, it is important to take into account the maximum current required by the electronics of the model. Too much current can potentially damage the controller and cause it to fail, so it is important to select a battery with a higher C-rating or discharge rate than what is needed by the electronics.

2. Capacity

The capacity of a battery is an important factor to consider when selecting the right type for your RC car. This is generally measured in milliamp hours (mAh) and will determine how long your car can run on a single charge. The higher the mAh rating, the longer the battery will last before needing to be recharged. Generally speaking, LiPo batteries tend to have the highest capacity ratings.

3. Weight

The weight of a battery is an important factor to consider when selecting the right type for your RC car. This will affect how much drag your car has while on the track as well as its overall handling characteristics. Generally speaking, NiMH and NiCd batteries are heavier than LiPo and LiFePO4 batteries, so it is important to consider this factor when selecting the right battery for your model.

4 . Voltage required

The voltage required for the optimal and smooth operation of all components of an RC model is determined by the specific application. For instance, in an FPV drone or other type of high-performance vehicle, a higher voltage battery such as a LiPo or LiFePO4 will be required to provide enough power for the electronics, motors, and other components. On the other hand, if a low-performance car is being used on a track with gentle turns and bumps, then a lower voltage battery such as NiMh or NiCd may suffice.

5. Dimensions

The physical dimensions of the battery are an important factor to consider when selecting a battery for your RC car. The size and shape of the battery should be carefully considered, as each RC car will have different specifications for the size of its battery compartment. The length, width, and height of the battery should all be taken into account to ensure that it will fit into the compartment and provide an optimal center of gravity for your car.

6. Cost

Price is an important factor to consider when selecting a battery for an RC car. Generally, LiPo batteries tend to be more expensive than NiMh and NiCd batteries due to their higher C-rating and capacity ratings. However, the performance increase may be worth the extra cost, as LiPo batteries offer a longer run time and more power.

7. C rating

The C-rating of a battery is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting a battery for an RC car. This rating is an indication of the maximum current that the battery can deliver without damage or risk of failure. A higher C-rating will provide more power, allowing your RC car to run faster and longer, but it will also come at a higher cost.


The type of battery is an important factor to consider when selecting the right one for your RC car. Hardcase batteries are typically used in high-performance vehicles, as they are more durable and offer a higher maximum current. Softcase batteries are often used in low-performance cars, as they are lighter and have a lower C-rating. Additionally, different types of batteries such as NiMh, LiPo, LiFePO4, and NiCd all have their unique features and specifications.

9. Balancer connector

The balancer connector is an important feature to consider when selecting a LiPo battery for your RC car. This connector ensures that all cells of the battery maintain a balanced charge, which helps to extend the life of the battery and prevent damage. A balanced charge also helps to maximize performance by providing consistent power throughout each run. The type of connector used will vary depending on the type of LiPo battery, so it is important to check the specifications before selecting a battery for your RC car.

10. Self-discharge rate

The self-discharge rate of a battery is an important factor to consider when selecting the right one for your RC car. This rate measures how quickly a battery loses its charge when not in use and can vary significantly between different types of batteries. For instance, NiMh batteries tend to have a higher self-discharge rate than LiPo batteries, which means that they will need to be charged more often.

11. Safety

Finally, safety is an important factor to consider when selecting a battery for your RC car. Lithium-based batteries such as LiPo and LiFePO4 are more prone to fire hazard if not used and charged correctly, so it is important to read the instructions carefully and follow all safety precautions when using these types of batteries. Additionally,

LiPo batteries should always be handled with extreme care to avoid potential fire hazards from improper use or storage. LiPo batteries can be damaged easily by mishandling, and the damage can cause a short circuit, leading to an unsafe level of heat within the battery due to the high energy density stored in the cells. In addition, LiPo batteries should be stored at a safe temperature, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

12. Maintenance

Most batteries require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longer lifespan. This includes regularly charging, discharging, balancing and storing the batteries correctly. LiPo batteries should be charged with a LiPo-compatible charger and stored in a fireproof container at room temperature. They should also be balanced regularly to ensure that all cells stay within 0.5 volts of each other. Additionally, NiMh batteries should be stored with a partial charge and recharged every few weeks to prevent them from losing their capacity over time.

13. Cycle life

The cycle life of a battery refers to the amount of charge cycles that it can sustain before it needs to be replaced. Different types of batteries have different cycle lives, with NiMh and NiCd cells having fewer charge cycles than LiP or LiFePO4 batteries. For example, NiMh batteries typically have a cycle life of around 300 cycles, while LiPo batteries can last up to 1000 cycles before they need to be replaced. The cycle life of a battery is an important factor to consider when selecting the right one for your RC car.


Finding the right battery for your RC car can be a difficult task, as there are many different types and features to consider. To help make the selection process easier, it is important to understand the various features of each type of battery such as self-discharge rate, balancer connector, cycle life and safety. Additionally, maintaining and storing batteries correctly can help extend their lifespan and maximize their performance. By considering all these factors when selecting