How to Program Your ESC to an RC Car

Programming an Electronic Speed Control (ESC) to an RC car is a great way to customize the performance of your vehicle. An ESC is a device that controls the speed of your car’s motor and helps regulate the amount of power your motor receives. Programming your ESC allows you to adjust the braking and acceleration settings for better handling and improved performance. Let’s take a look at how you can program an ESC to your RC car.

Step 1: Connecting Your ESC

The first step in programming your ESC is connecting it properly. To do this, you’ll need to connect the positive lead from the battery pack to one of the bullet connectors on the ESC and then connect the negative lead from the battery pack to another one of the bullet connectors on the ESC. Once these are connected, plug in your receiver’s throttle channel into one of the open channels on your ESC. This will allow you to control your car’s speed with a controller or radio system.

Step 2: Setting The Brake Settings

Once you have connected everything properly, you will need to adjust some settings on your ESC. If there is a switch or buttons on it, make sure they are set correctly before going any further. Most modern ESCs have adjustable brake settings so you can customize how much power goes into slowing down or stopping your car when you release the throttle trigger on your controller or radio system. Some also come with adjustable acceleration settings which can help fine-tune how quickly your car accelerates when you press down on the throttle trigger. Make sure these settings are adjusted properly before moving onto step three.

Step 3: Programming The Acceleration Curve

The last step in programming your ESC is setting up its acceleration curve, which defines how fast or slow it will respond when you press down on the throttle trigger. Most modern ESCs come with adjustable curves that allow you to customize how quickly or slowly it responds when you press down on the throttle trigger so that it best suits your driving style and preferences. Make sure this setting is adjusted properly before testing out your newly programmed RC car!


Programming an Electronic Speed Control (ESC) to an RC car can be a daunting task but with some patience and practice, anyone can do it! By following these steps and adjusting all of their settings accordingly, you should be able to get up and running in no time! Have fun customizing and tinkering with all of those new features! Enjoy!