Choosing an RC Car: Electric vs Nitro vs Gas

A Beginner’s Guide to choose between electric ,nitro and gas  RC Car

If you’ve ever dreamed of speeding around in a miniature car, then Remote Control (RC) cars are the perfect hobby for you. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming for beginners. Here is a guide to help you choose the right RC car for your needs so that you can join the exciting world of RC racing.

Comparing Electric, Nitro and Gas-Powered RC Cars: Pros and Cons

Remote-controlled (RC) cars have become increasingly popular over the past few years, with more and more people taking up this exciting hobby. But when it comes to choosing an RC car, there are a lot of options. From electric to nitro and gas-powered models, each type offers its own unique set of features and benefits. In order to help you make an informed decision when selecting your RC car, this article will explore the pros and cons of each option. We’ll discuss everything from power source to speed capabilities so that you can choose the best model for your needs. So let’s dive in!

Considerations When Choosing an RC Car

The first step when choosing an RC car is to decide which type of engine will work best for you. There are three main types of engines used in RC cars—electric, nitro/gasoline, and gas. Each one has different features and benefits that need to be taken into account before making a purchase.

Electric RC cars

Electric RC cars are powered by a battery that is recharged through an outlet. They offer longer run times than nitro or gas-powered models but can be more expensive to maintain due to the cost of batteries and chargers. Additionally, electric cars tend to have lower top speeds compared to their counterparts.

Pros and Cons of Electric RC Cars

Electric RC cars tend to be the easiest and most convenient option for novice drivers, due to their ease of use and maintenance. Additionally, electric models offer longer run times than nitro or gas-powered cars, and are quieter to operate. On the downside, electric RC cars tend to have lower top speeds compared to their counterparts, and can be more expensive to maintain due to the cost of batteries and chargers.

Nitro RC cars

Nitro RC cars are powered by a nitromethane-based fuel that is mixed with oil, allowing them to produce more power than electric models. The fuel allows for faster acceleration and higher top speeds, but requires additional maintenance such as periodic engine tuning.

Pros and Cons of Nitro RC Cars

Nitro RC cars are the most popular choice for experienced drivers due to their higher top speeds and ability to reach higher RPMs. Additionally, they tend to be less expensive than electric models, and require less maintenance. However, nitro RC cars can be difficult to use for beginners due to their complexity, and require more frequent maintenance such as engine tuning.

Gas-powered RC cars

Gas-powered RC cars use gasoline or methanol-fueled engines to provide power. They offer the most powerful performance of all three types, but are also the loudest and require frequent maintenance such as changing spark plugs and fuel filters.

Pros and Cons of Gas-Powered RC Cars

Gas-powered RC cars offer the most powerful performance of all three types, making them a great option for experienced drivers. Additionally, they tend to last longer than electric or nitro models. However, gas-powered RC cars are also the loudest and require frequent maintenance such as changing spark plugs and fuel filters.

Other factors to Consider before choosing Your RC Car Type


Engine power is one of the most important features to consider when choosing an RC car. Electric models tend to have lower top speeds, with most capable of reaching around 40 miles per hour. On the other hand, nitro and gas-powered models offer much higher top speeds, with some capable of reaching over 100 miles per hour. Additionally, gas-powered cars offer the most powerful performance, making them a great choice for experienced drivers.


Electric RC cars may not offer the same feeling of real racing as gas or nitro-powered models due to the lack of sound and vibration. Electric engines are relatively quiet, so they lack the roar of a traditional engine and don’t give off any vibrations that can be felt while driving. Additionally, electric engines tend to have lower RPM capabilities compared to nitro and gas-powered models.


Finally, cost is another important factor to consider when choosing an RC car. Electric models tend to be more expensive due to the cost of batteries and chargers, while nitro cars are usually less expensive but require additional maintenance such as engine tuning. Gas-powered models tend to have the lowest initial cost but require frequent maintenance such as changing spark plugs and fuel filters.

Nitro and gas-powered cars require additional items such as fuel and lubricants, which can add to the overall cost. Additionally, nitro cars require more frequent maintenance such as engine tuning to keep them running properly. Gas-powered cars require the most maintenance, as they need to have their spark plugs and fuel filters changed regularly. All of these costs should be taken into consideration when trying to decide which type of RC car is right for you.

Type of Terrain

When choosing an RC car, the type of terrain you plan to drive it on should also be taken into consideration. Electric models are best suited for smooth surfaces such as asphalt roads or indoor tracks, as their lower top speeds and limited torque can make them less maneuverable over rough terrain. On the other hand, nitro and gas-powered models are more capable of handling rough terrain, as their higher top speeds and more powerful engines make them better suited for off-road racing.

If you want to climb then electric models may be the best option for you due to their ability to operate on steep inclines. Electric motors are usually lighter than nitro or gas-powered engines, making them easier to handle when climbing. Additionally, electric cars have more torque at lower speeds than nitro and gas-powered engines, allowing them to climb faster and more efficiently.

When it comes to desert terrain, gas-powered RC cars are typically the best option. Gas-powered engines have the highest top speeds, making them ideal for wide open spaces where speed is crucial. Additionally, their powerful performance and higher torque allow them to handle steep inclines and maneuver through sand with ease. Gas-powered engines also tend to have the longest run times of all three types, making them great for long days on the track.

Nitro and gas-powered RC cars are the best choices for driving on rocks due to their higher top speeds, powerful performance, and larger engines. Nitro-powered models offer increased acceleration and torque along with higher top speeds, making them great for rock crawling. Gas-powered RC cars also provide excellent traction due to their high-torque engines and larger wheelbase, making them ideal for rock crawling and hill climbing.

If you want to do stunts with your RC car, then you should choose an electric model. Electric models are perfect for performing stunts due to their lightweight design and excellent maneuverability. Their low center of gravity allows them to make tight turns and perform a variety of jumps and flips with ease.

Off-road driving requires an RC car that is capable of handling a variety of terrain types. For off-road driving, gas-powered RC cars are typically the best choice due to their higher top speeds and powerful performance. Gas-powered engines offer increased acceleration and torque, making them great for tackling rough terrain such as rocks, sand, and mud. Additionally, their larger wheelbase allows them to move more quickly and easily over uneven surfaces.


If you are looking for speed, then nitro and gas-powered RC cars are the way to go. Nitro cars offer higher top speeds than electric models and can reach up to 60 mph in some cases. Gas-powered RC cars offer the highest top speeds of all three types, with some capable of reaching over 100 mph. Additionally, gas-powered RC cars tend to have the most powerful performance and are great for experienced drivers who want to push their cars to the limit.


For beginners who are looking for an RC car that requires less maintenance, an electric model is probably the best option. Electric models require very little in terms of maintenance and tuning, making them ideal for those who do not want to spend a lot of time on upkeep. Additionally, electric RC cars often have longer run times than nitro and gas-powered models, meaning you will spend less time recharging and more time driving.

Best Brands for Each Type of Engine

Different brands specialize in manufacturing each type of engine listed above; some brands offer models with both electric and gasoline/nitro engines while others focus solely on one type or the other. Before buying any model, research which brand offers the best combination of quality components at a reasonable price point for your purpose (racing vs stunt driving vs off-road). Doing this research upfront can save time (and money) later on by helping narrow down your list of potential models quickly!

Overall, electric, nitro and gas-powered RC cars each offer unique features that make them attractive to different types of drivers. Electric models are great for beginners due to their ease of use and maintenance, while nitro and gas-powered cars offer higher top speeds and more powerful performance. Ultimately, the type of RC car that is best for you will depend on your skill level and budget. By understanding the pros and cons of each type, you can make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the right RC car.

When it comes to choosing the right RC car, you should determine your skill level and budget as well as the type of terrain you plan to drive on. Electric models are great for smooth surfaces and beginner drivers, while nitro and gas-powered cars offer higher top speeds and more powerful performance. Ultimately, the type of RC car you choose will depend on your personal preference and preferences. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each type of RC car, you can make an informed decision when it comes to finding the right RC car for you.

No matter what type of RC car you choose, it is important to understand the pros and cons associated with each option to make an informed decision that best fits your needs. Electric models are great for beginners due to their ease of use and maintenance, while nitro and gas-powered cars offer higher top speeds and more powerful performance. Before purchasing an RC car, be sure to consider the type of terrain you plan to drive on and your budget as well as the skill level required to operate each type of car. With this knowledge, you can make educated decisions on which type of RC car is best for you.

In conclusion, electric, nitro, and gas-powered RC cars each offer their own unique set of features and benefits. Electric models are the easiest to use for novice drivers due to their ease of use and maintenance, while nitro models are more popular among experienced drivers due to their higher top speeds and ability to reach higher RPMs. Lastly, gas-powered cars offer the most powerful performance but require frequent maintenance such as changing spark plugs and fuel filters. Ultimately, the type of RC car that is best for you will depend on your skill level and budget. By understanding the pros and cons of each type, you can make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the right RC car.

We have complied a list of 15 Best Gas powered RC cars check them out!